Choosing Your Bridal Bouquet


The time to start thinking about your bridal flowers is after you've decided the setting of your ceremony. While getting married in a beautiful wild nature, let the location inspire the bouquet!

While our florists will have most flowers available year long, flowers are the best looking and most affordable when they are in season. If you are getting married during the winter month in the outdoor venue or an ice chapel, it is also important to consider which flowers survive in the cold. 

Bridal bouquets can be arranged in various shapes, from romantic whimsical cascade bouquets to traditional hand-tied bouquets. You'll also want to make sure the bouquet complements the bride's proportions. To help you figure out what’s right for you, here are few types of wedding bouquets to consider carrying as you walk down the aisle!

The Posy bouquet

Typically round in shape, the posy bouquet is a popular choice for modern brides as it is easy to handle and often small enough to be carried in one hand. This type of style consists of a small round bouquet that is tied with a decorative ribbon and is easy to hold. Posy bouquets feature mostly flowers and little to no greenery. 

The Round bouquet

Round bouquets are having more flower blooms than greenery and being very harmonized and balanced. The round bouquet is a bigger version of the posy and a more buttoned-up, structured version of the hand-tied. Round bouquets usually consist of fewer flower types, to keep them more consistent. 

The Cascade bouquet

Cascade bouquets showcase a literal waterfall of flowers and are designed to gracefully flow out of the bride’s hands. This bouquet is meant to hang or drop down in front of the hand and form an upside-down teardrop shape, rounded at the top and forming a point at the bottom.

The Hand tied bouquet

Hand-tied arrangements look exactly how they sound: a cluster of flowers is hand-tied together with ribbon, giving the arrangement a casual look from the loose stems. This is a very popular choice for brides today.

Single Stem

Instead of having an abundance of flowers, choosing one gives you a simple and humble appearance. The quiet accent of a single flower held by a beautiful bride can be a touchingly romantic and sweet look. If you want a simple and elegant look, this is the bouquet for you.

The Wrist Corsage

A great alternative to the traditional bouquet, a beautiful corsage worn on the wrist is a wonderful way to accessorise your wedding dress. Less restrictive than a hand-held bouquet, a wrist corsage allows the bride to keep her hands free so she can fully enjoy her wedding day.

Lapland Romance works closely with the talented florists at the local flower shop Kukkakauppa Ukonhattu. Together we will guide you through the process of picking flowers for your bridal bouquet and any other flower decorations required. Our long experience in the cold climate will help you find the perfect selection according to the conditions of your wedding. 

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